Dear Thelma

Many times, we tend to offer advises after listening to other people's problem. Especially, relationship problems. Indeed, we usually empathise and try to understand the pain and hurt. That's why, women just love to read aritcles like "Dear Thelma", etc. I read something interesting today, and would like to replicate it here to share:

"Relationships are too complicated for anyone to simply unravel and put right. The parties involved are individuals with their own thoughts, judgements and feelings. (Hmm, so true isn't it? How many times, we would try to "put ourselves" into their shoes? How many times, have we listened and "judged"?)
How do we understand women who choose to be mistresses? Why do happily married men seek prostitutes and have affairs? What joy is there in secret tyrsts and messages when the bed is warm and the wife is sexy and gorgeous?

Men, and women, stray for their own reasons. Experts, counsellors and professionals can only guide and offer advise, and hope that those in need find the right solutions and happiness. (Friends, on the other hand, can always listen, perhaps give a beary hug...and a little advise from their own point of view.)
But, the truth is...those involved are the ones who have to live with the consequences of their actions. No one can share the pain and always, it is the children that suffers.

There is no airtight solution, no 10-point guides to success in marriages. We are individually responsible for our actions.

If we have love in our hearts and rational enough to understand the pain we can cause, then perhaps there will be better relationships."

Yeah right...if, and only ifs.... :P

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